Community-designed Cases for Navio+ and Raspberry Pi 2

Recently several cases were designed for Navio+ and Raspberry Pi 2 by community members and we would like to share them in one blog post. Now you have what to choose from. We would also like to thank designers for their great work. So pick one you like and make sure to share the results with us!
Having a flat bottom or even special brackets for vibration dampeners they simplify mounting and will as well protect barometer on your Navio+ from sunlight and air streams.
A very nice low profile case with ventilation slots and camera ribbon cut out.
Designer: Mauro Cancino
Technology: 3D Print
Link: click!
Case with antenna cable channel and mounting brackets for vibration dampening. It even includes a logo!
Designer: Pedro Alves
Technology: 3D Printing
Link: click!
If you do not have a 3D printer, make sure to check out this case made from an Adafruit Raspberry Pi case.
Designer: Al_B
Technology: Modification
Link: click!
Ordering 3D printing is easy thanks to services like Shapeways.
You can also design your own case using Navio+ STL model. Feel free to join the discussion about the designs.