New Image for Navio2 with RPi 3 B+ Support and More Exciting Features

We’ve rolled out our new Raspbian Stretch image for Navio! Here’s the list of new features:
- Raspberry PI 3 Model B+ support is here!
- Exciting new GPIO support on the servo rail. Essentially it means that you have 14 GPIOs more to spare.
- ArduPilot updates:
- ArduCopter-3.5.5
- ArduPlane-3.8.5
- APMRover-3.3.0
- Kernel updated to v4.14.34.
- The reworked packaging of kernel. This allows to easily get updates and install some packages previously unavailable incl. everything that depends on raspberrypi-bootloader package.
- Emlidtool v1.0.6.
- Package rpi-update removed from the image. Since this command can break RCIO support.
- Removed WBC support.
- Fix some misc bugs.
Check the full release message with features overview on Emlid Forum! We hope you like the new image and wait for your feedback!